Wireless Conduction

Get rid of the interference of visible lines, 
the signage is simpler and more beautiful

3D or 2D letters can be manufactured and assembled from different materials to achieve a wide variety of lighting effects. Here are some examples of the illumination options. About the colour (or processing) options for raw materials (metal and acrylic), and luminous colour options for LEDs, click here to learn more.


Front & Back-lit

Our metal signs and lighted signs are perfect for established businesses such as Fortune 500 companies, restaurants, hotels and government organizations. No matter what industry your business or organization is in, we can find a sign solution for you!

Business & Company Signs

Church & Religious Signs

Illumination Options

Multiple Applications

Mounting Methods

Restaurant & Bar Signs

Building & Office Signs


3D Non-lit

Hospital & Medical Signs

Law Office & Finacal Signs


2D Non-lit

Government & Military Signs

School & University Signs